Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Hair

SO I have a new hair color. Thats about all... New pic trying to be uploaded as I type.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The New Year

So not much has been going on in the new year. I have taken some pictures but my camera cable wasn't recognizing my camera last nite so I have nothing new in that area. Had been sick with a sinus infection from the 4th until... well now as I am still on antibiotics... Coughing n sniffly nose included. LOL.
I have gotten into making beaded jewelry. My only problem is that once I make something everyone seems to want it. Was hoping to make some money off of my creations. But I guess that is going to have to wait a bit longer. :( Oh well life goes on. That's all I have to report for right now. More soon, once I get my camera working again. lol

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of my readers! (Mostly family I am sure) LOL So let's think... what has happened since my last post. Oh yeah, New Year's Eve. New Years Eve was fun, Hector came over at about 1ish and brought a 12 pack. So the drinking started... Had dinner at about 7 and told mom would be over in half an hour or so. Well lucky me, I fell asleep. Slept til 10:30!!! Needless to say mom was pissed at me.. Managed to stay up n watch the ball drop on ABC or CBS(???) then fell back asleep. So that's about all my brain can remember right now... More later...